Kilema 2010 Student Sponsorships:Asante!
Measuring for shoe size the traditional way..... and delivering sought after school bags, dictionaries among other resources from Canadian donors! What a pleasure it was for Sasha and me. Thanks to all!
This 2010 school year, which started in January, has again been a successful experience of belonging and advancement for 65 Tanzanian students in the Kilema District, Kilimanjaro. We've recently completed some of the final disbursements and so thank you to all the contributors and sponsors, past and present, of our Kilema Support Fund Tuitions Project. Affiliated with CACHA- Canadian African Community Health Alliance, our Ottawa NGO (, we have been able to sponsor school-age orphan or otherwise vulnerable children ( OVC) in the villages surrounding Kilema Hospital, helping them continue their studies in primary, secondary school and vocational training. We have provided tuitions, supplies and support to these children for the last 3 years, since January 2008, and are looking forward to returning again for the students as well as to greet friends and colleagues who helped us feel at home during our Tanzanian sabbatical in 2007/08. Depending who picks the long straw, it could be Eva or Lockie who come along to help out!
The UN Millennium Development Goals Report states recently that 69 million school-age children worldwide are not in school and about half or 31 million reside in sub-Saharan Africa. Tanzania has had significant momentum when it comes to making improvements in education first by abolishing primary school fees (though not food, supplies or uniform costs) which produced a surge in enrolment and lead to increases in classroom construction and teacher training. Between 2002 and 2006 54,000 classrooms were built and 18,000 additional teachers trained. But in reality costs still exist for primary education amounting to nearly Can.$40 per year and all secondary education is fee based both in government and private schools. Average cost for a secondary tuition is $190 per year. Recent UN statistics indicate 88% of the population is living on $1.25 per day and there lies the challenge especially for widowed, elderly or sick guardians of one or more children.
This year KSF provided tuition for 65 children, 34 girls and 31 boys, eleven of whom are new primary school referrals from neighbouring Sembeti village and referred to KSF tuition program by Matthew Tem, who chairs the districts' Home Based Care volunteers. The local Chagga tribal group encourages both girls and boys to pursue education so our funding supports an identified priority within families and the local community. KSF also provided logistics and coordinated school support and fee payments for 3 students, Franki Mbuya, Lilian Mosha and Elinora Kway on behalf of other Canadian donors, past volunteers to Kilema.
Fundraising toward the 2010 school year costs totaled Can$16,808.
Total expenditures for 2010 were Can$11,213 (TZS$13,792,000).
Tuition alone for the 65 students cost Can$10,267 (TZS$12,629,500).
Beyond tuition we provided 200 counterbooks(hardcover notebooks), exam fees, uniforms, shoes, field trips, practicum costs, graduation fees, pocket money and repairs to Deo Mkundi's prosthetic leg which accounted for the difference.
Remaining funds brought forward for 2011 are Can$5,595.31.
For a complete summary of expenditures please contact Cacha or myself
So lets introduce you to the students, their current school and this years school fee covered by KSF Tuitions Project. Fees are expressed in Tanzanian shillings and Canadian dollars at an exchange rate of so $1Can= $1,230. Tanz. shilling. Standards ( s1-s7 ) reflect primary grades. F1,f2, f3 f4 are the basic secondary levels and students must pass exams to continue to the next level. Some wonderful names Epiphania and Goodluck!
2010 Student List___________________________$TZS/CAN
Ambrose Tesha- m / Mandaka Vocational 3rd yr construction/326,000/$ 265
Zenais Alyce- f /Mandaka Vocation 3yr electricity/326,000/$265
Jenifer Mahenge -f/Transfer- Olaleni to Kili Vocational 1styr/521,000/$423
Anna Cristoph-f/Olaleni Sec. School - grad/waiting nursing training/0
Margareth Mboya-f/Mrereni Sec. School - f4 C-B student/145,000/$118
Agatha S. Masaro-f/Mrereni Sec. School - f3 average/305,000/$247
Joseph Living -m/Lombeta Sec. School -f3 average/500,000/$407
Maximilian J. Raziki-m/St. James Seminary- f4 excel. A's /478,000/$389
Stephen J Lyimo-m/Kisomachi Sec.School -f4 excel. B's/740,000 /$601
Ambrose Tesha- m / Mandaka Vocational 3rd yr construction/326,000/$ 265
Zenais Alyce- f /Mandaka Vocation 3yr electricity/326,000/$265
Jenifer Mahenge -f/Transfer- Olaleni to Kili Vocational 1styr/521,000/$423
Anna Cristoph-f/Olaleni Sec. School - grad/waiting nursing training/0
Margareth Mboya-f/Mrereni Sec. School - f4 C-B student/145,000/$118
Agatha S. Masaro-f/Mrereni Sec. School - f3 average/305,000/$247
Joseph Living -m/Lombeta Sec. School -f3 average/500,000/$407
Maximilian J. Raziki-m/St. James Seminary- f4 excel. A's /478,000/$389
Stephen J Lyimo-m/Kisomachi Sec.School -f4 excel. B's/740,000 /$601
Gasto Lyimo-m/Ifati Sec. School -f3 average/95,000/$77
Elizabeth R. Lyimo -f/ Ifati Sec. School -f3 ave-poor /95,000
Christopher F. Tairo-m/Ifati Sec. School -f3 good 2nd standing/95,000
Stella Mrema-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 average 8th standing/95,000
Violet P Kessy-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 good 6th standing/95,000
Doreen T. Lyimo-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 average- lives in bar/95,000
Jackline P Mosha-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 good 1st standing/95,000
Emmanuel V. Mosh-m/Ifati Sec. School - f4 poor/142,000/$115
Emmanuel E.Mosha-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 poor/142,000
Dismass J Kessy-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 average/142,000
Doreen T. Lyimo-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 average- lives in bar/95,000
Jackline P Mosha-f/Ifati Sec. School -f3 good 1st standing/95,000
Emmanuel V. Mosh-m/Ifati Sec. School - f4 poor/142,000/$115
Emmanuel E.Mosha-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 poor/142,000
Dismass J Kessy-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 average/142,000
Gisela J. Shayo-f/Ifati Sec. School -f4 average/142,000
Fides J Mlay-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 ave-poor/142,000
Jackson L Rimoy-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 good student/142,000
Innocent M Temu-m/Ifati Sec.School -f4 ave-poor/142,000
Godfrey L Nguma-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 good student C/142,000
Pauli R Mamboya-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 average/142,500
Beatrice v. Shirima-f/Ifati Sec. School -f4 average/142,000
Jonas A Ngowi-m/Ifati Sec. School -f4 good student C/142,000
Flora J Mowo-f/Rukima Sec. School f4 good student B/137,000 /$111
Glory A. Kessy-f/Rukima Sec. School f4 good C/137,000
Mary J Morewa-f/Rukima Sec. School f4 average/137,000
Diego M. Mowo-m/Rukima Sec. School f4 poor student/137,000
Anthony B. Mosha-m/Rukima Sec. School f4 good student/137,000
Epiphania M Temu-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 -good/90,000/$73
Glory J Mlay-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 average to poor/90,000
Andrea F Mosha-m/Rukima Sec. School f3 average/90,000
Idda N. Mashina-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 good student C/90,000
Josephina L. Mosha-f/ Rukima Sec. School f4 average/137,000/$111
Beatus L Kessy -m/Rukima Sec. School f4- poor/137,000/$111
Augustina Mlay-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 -good student/90,000
Glory J Mlay-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 average to poor/90,000
Andrea F Mosha-m/Rukima Sec. School f3 average/90,000
Idda N. Mashina-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 good student C/90,000
Josephina L. Mosha-f/ Rukima Sec. School f4 average/137,000/$111
Beatus L Kessy -m/Rukima Sec. School f4- poor/137,000/$111
Augustina Mlay-f/Rukima Sec. School f3 -good student/90,000
Wilfrida J Lyamuya-f/Rukima Sec. School incom. left school to work/ 0
Beatrice Msoma-f/Transferred to Lombeta Sch./166,500/$134
Eugen Sprian Mosha-m/Kilimani Sec. School f4 C-B's 10th place/122,000/$99
Eric Minde -m/Kilimani Sec. School f3 - C- D/95,000/$77
Samuel Shayo-m/Kisaluni Sec. School f2- B student/155,000/$126
Nickson C. Moshi -m/Veta Moshi Tech/civil drafting/good/234,000/$190
Gloria Mathias Njau-f/Transfer to priv. School f1/300,000/$243
Daudi J Lyimo -m/Makomu Sec. School/125,000/$102
Erika B. Kessy-f/Ifati Sec. School f2 poor performance/115,000/$93
Tumiani Shayo-m/Mandaka Voc. Sch. 2nd yr electricity/good/451,000/$367
Happy G. Kavishe-f/Lombeta Sec. school f2 -average/320,000/$260
Oliva Stansilaus Urio -f/Mrike Sec. School funds not available on admiss/0
Hefisiba Rampion Mosha/Hospitality Program Moshi incom dismissed/0
Deo Honest Kundi-m/Pakula Sec. School f1-bright/amputee /159,000/$129
Raziki Patrick Kulaya-m/Lombeta Sec. School f1/ave.-poor/410,000/$333
Lilian Mosha-f/Olaleni Sec. School f4 -above average/781,000/$634
Elinora C. Kway-f/Olaleni Sec. School f3- excellent "1st girl"/724,000/$588
Franki Mbuya-m/Arusha Tech Sch. disabled/ ill- left school/972,000/$790
Emmanuel C. Lyimo-m/Kirefure Sch standard 6(grade6)/39,000/$32
Ester G. Lyamuya-f/Kirefure School st. 5/39,000
Goodluck A Kimaro-m/ Kirefure School st. 5/39,000
Elidaima G Tarimu-f/Kirefure School st. 7/39,000
Germine Kipouola-f/Kilrefure School st. 6/39,000
Elizabeth F Shirima-f/Sembeti primary /39,000
Neema S Mteena-f/Sembeti primary School /39,000
Lucina V. Mshanga-f/Sembeti primary School/39,000
Glory F Nyange-f/Sembeti primary School/ 39,000
Selina V Mshanga-f/Sembeti primary School/22,000/$17
Daniel V Mshanga-m/Sembeti primary School /22,000
Victoria F Temu-f/F1/127,000
Victoria F Temu-f/F1/127,000
Exciting are the vocational students who requested to continue a further two years of study in construction and electricity, coming into their final of 4 years in 2011. Students like Maximilian Raziki and Stephen Lyimo are among the top students and will likely succeed in passing Form 4 exams and proceeding to 5 and 6 and university/training thereafter. Student loans and scholarships are sometimes available from the Tanzanian government for academic excellence and we are beginning to look at helping kids with these options. Ana Cristoph is interested in entering nursing school at Kibosho Hospital in the nearest town and we wait to hear of her acceptance. We have many children completing Form 4 this year who will need to succeed in exams to continue to Form 5. For some children Form 4 may be the end of their secondary experience and some may consider vocational options. We await results.
Reflecting recently on the critical need for parental oversight regarding homework, assignments and study habits with my own children made clearer the challenge of assisting orphan and vulnerable children to succeed in school . Without parents to support, encourage and often insist on a certain academic output orphans are at a disadvantage. Caregivers who are elderly or have never been to school or who are occupied by the demands of subsistence farming are not well positioned to help students who may live with them. The persistent problem of proximity to school and the time spent walking to and fro and after school chores continue to be the most common reasons for children to request a boarding option which is known to produce better outcomes but is more costly. This year the Kilema orphan program provided coaching and a tutoring allowance, about $5 dollars per child to respond to this problem so we'll evaluate those outcomes. Despite challenges most of the children are moving on year to year average or better.
Thanks to friends, family, the Coolaid Health Center Community and my Harling Point neighbourhood for their great support financial and otherwise; $400 of empty bottles collected by the happiest recyclers alive, junior lemonade entrepreneurs refined their quality control and donated the profits. White collared shirts, black shoes, school supplies, dictionaries, atlases and school bags arrived at the door and remain some of the most incredibly useful items to transport in our 200kg checked baggage limit. I even thank Horizon /Delta air that allowed me to fly a baby jogger to Tanzania knowing full well I was travelling with no toddler but a strapping Sasha Fraser! The jogger has been an excellent vehicle for a local widow,Adela Marsi, to transport her disabled daughter on rough and wheelchair inaccessible footpaths. Thank you also to St. Pat's school which has donated white shirts, black shoes and school uniforms for two years running. Thank you everyone!
Please enjoy some images from this Tanzanian visit 2010 at:
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